Conferences and workshops are how I continue my education in information architecture, search engines, user experiences, content strategy and digital marketing. Here is where I better organize my thinking on key topics and emerging technologies to ensure that my clients are getting cutting edge guidance that meets current needs and future directions. Here is where I find “the matches” to set my magical thinking on fire.
The Information Architecture of Artificial Intelligence: A 1/2 or full-day workshop that explores the intersections and influences of information architecture, user experience and content strategy on the development and success of artificially intelligent programs. The intent of the workshop is to promote cross discipline collaboration, design thinking and soft system methodology for hybrid machine learning.
Information Architecture & AI
- UX Lisbon 2020
- The IA Conference 2019 (fundraiser for the Information Architecture Institute)
- World IA Day 2017 Vancouver 2017
- Convey UX 2017
UX is the New SEO
- Digital Marketing Innovation Summit 2017 | Connections & Context: The ROI of AI
- IA Summit 2016 | Found It, Increasing Satisfaction with IA and SEO
- IA Summit 2015 | Group Think: System Thinking, User Thinking, Design Thinking
- Enterprise Search and Discovery 2015 | Design the Search Experience
- Friends of Search 2015 | What UX, IA and SEO Can Teach Each Other - SMX Social Media 2014 | The Social Experience
- OMcap (Online Marketing Capital) Berlin 2014 | What IA, UX and SEO can Teach Each Other ( Awarded Best Presentation of the conference)
- SMX Advanced 2014 Periodic Table of SEO | Use Experience Ranking Factors
- Information Architecture Summit 2014 | UX is the New SEO Workshp
- SMX (Search Marketing Expo) Toronto 2013 | Advanced User-Focused Keyword Research
- Enterprise Search Summit 2012 | Designing Search to Meet Customer Expectations
- Search Solutions (British Computing Society London) November 2011 | Successful Enterprise Search by Design (By Invitation)
- User Focus (User Experience Professionals Association) 2012 | Birds, Bears and Bs: Optimal SEO
- Polish Information Architecture Summit 2011 | Defining the Search Experience (Keynote) — Martin Belam write up
- Information Architecture Summit 2010 )
- SharePoint Best Practices conference 2009 | Enterprise Search
- Eloqua Marketing Effectiveness Summit 2009)
- EuroIA Summit 2009 (Plenary)
- Microsoft Office Sharepoint Conference 2008
- Enterprise Search Summit West 2008
- Enterprise Search Summit West 2007)
- Information Architecture Summit 2007 | SEO and IA: A Beautiful Friendship
- Information Architecture Summit 2006 | Search Engine Model
- How to SEO and Terrific and Profitable User Experience January 2013 with Presentation Slides
- Save Time Money and Bloodshed with Soft System Methodology October 2013 with Presentation Slides
- ASIST Bulletin August/September 2011: Defining the Search Experience
- ASIST Bulletin October/November 2007: IA and SEO: Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
- Boxes and Arrows: Book Review Distant Summit of Enterprise Design by Milan Guenther
- SEMrush Blog Posts
- UX Magazine Interview